Upon our return to physical classes we will follow carefully all Government guidelines and also those of our venue. Please help us to remain a safe school for our children by following the rules given at all times.
- Separate Entrance and Exit points to the studio
- Staggered arrival times where necessary
- No parents in the building unless absolutely necessary. If you do need to enter, please only ONE adult per family and adult MUSt wear a face mask
- We are lucky enough to have our own separate toilet facilities off the studio so children will be contained at all times and not come into contact with touch points of people outside of their bubble
- Hand sanitisation stations will be on Entrance and Exit and also at the toilet doorway
- No bare feet allowed in the studio - dance shoes must be worn at all times
- Pupils will be allocated a box shelf to store their belongings. Please do not bring anything unnecessary ( dance bag containing shoes and a water bottle only). Coats will need to be left with parents
- Do not travel with any people outside of your household bubble ( Government guidelines do not recommend carpooling at the moment)
- Pupils must arrive to class in their uniform as changing facilities are not currently available
- All usual safety and uniform rules apply - hair tied back securely and neatly, no jewellery, full uniform expected after 4 weeks of attendance
- Pupils will dance in set squares of 2 metres per child and be socially distanced at all times
- In Acro class, pupils will be allocated their own 'island' of mats for working on. We will allow bare feet on the mats as they can be effectively cleaned after classes have finished. Socks must be worn from the door to their mats and reapplied for toilet trips etc
- In the event that your child becomes unwell during class and we believe they may be showing symptoms of COVID-19 we will call you and you MUST collect them immediately. In accordance with the guidelines, the will be taken to an area away from the rest of their class and a teacher will remain with them until collection. The teacher will wear PPE whilst assisting the child.
- If anyone in your household or social bubble is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT bring your child to class.
- In the event that we have to close due to local lockdown, classes will return to Zoom for that period