Following your trial we operate easy to understand monthly fee packages which work much like a gym membership. Prices start from £18 per month and a wide range of options are available Monthly fees cover 39 weeks of classes per year and are paid in equal instalments over 11 months ( no payment in August). Students wishing to take multiple classes receive generous discounted packages. If you wish to add or remove a class your price would simply change to the relevant package. Fees are handled by secure GoCardless Direct Debit. Generous sibling discounts of 15% are applied to packages upon joining post-trial. The first payment following a trial period is adjusted according to the point in the month membership begins. 30 day cancellation period applies.
Core Subjects (basic single class package)
Preschool Introduction to Dance - £19 per month Pre-Infant Ballet & Tap - £19 per month Infant Ballet, Tap 7 Jazz - £26.50 per month Junior Ballet, Tap & Jazz - £30 per month Inter Ballet, Tap & Jazz - £31.50 per month
Non-Core Subjects (basic single class package)
Acro 1 - £19 per month Acro 2 - £19 per month Acro 3 - £22.50 per month Musical Theatre - £22.50 per month
Multiclass discounts - Silver packages (2 subjects) & Gold packages (3 subjects) apply automatically when you add classes.
Private lessons - £10 per 30 minute class Holiday workshops - Prices vary